
Want to reach a creative audience of digital publishers and innovators?

The Shift is a newsletter and community for writer-entrepreneurs.

Intimate conversations about writing, entrepreneurship and growth by Nika Talbot (award-winning writer, author, content strategist).

Insights, trends, and powerful personal interviews with courageous entrepreneurs.

Promote your products and services with a classified listing - a short snippet of text and one link at the end of the newsletter. I typically include up to three listings in each issue.

How to do it

It is very easy: send me your plain text ad (up to 200 characters), the fee, and your classified will go out in the next available issue (sent on Sundays). I will send you the link when it’s live.

My flat fee is £50.00 for classified listings (newsletter and online). If you want a solo listing, that’s fine, please let me know:

Sponsor ads allow you to add an image/logo, multiple links, and longer ad-copy (up to 300 characters).

I …

This post is for paid subscribers