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Sir Keir ironically owes his success to Mr Farage MP and his news media PR backer (Daily Mail) for getting Tories to either stay home or vote Reform on Thursday! To get a landslide with only one third of the electorate behind you is a nail in the coffin of first past the post! Furthermore, we're currently spending more on the interest repayments for £3 trillion of uk gov debt bonds, £89 billion/year or 7.3% of public spending in 2024-5 (source: https://obr.uk/forecasts-in-depth/tax-by-tax-spend-by-spend/debt-interest-central-government-net/ ) than we're spending on defence, £57 billion/year despite Putin! (source: https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/cbp-8175/ ).

I really don't see how Labour are going to grow the magic money tree of taxation by expanding the public sector or increasing the debt and the % of GDP spend on interest (to flog gov bonds). Also, the last time they had a landslide after repudiating Clause 4, Mr Blair soon went power-crazy and started wars in the Middle East (in Iraq, and then Afghanistan) which increased debt, led to further instability, cost many lives. Previous times (1945-79, off and on) they blew the budget on nationalization and were then held to ransom by the Jack Jones' behind the block trade union backing of Labour, increasing public sector salaries to end strikes, thus driving a spiral of inflation and further strikes, until they had to put up high wage income tax to 83% in 1974, and corporation tax on business to 52%, driving away big private sector employers and their business from the UK! It's just crazy to repeat that experiment again and again, expecting or hoping for a different result. The 1970s result was the cap-in-hand IMF bailout of 1976 (with strings attached to prevent the borrowed money being again flushed down the pan fuelling the wages/inflation spiral), and finally the 1978/9 winter of discontent.

Sir Keir said that to reduce NHS hospital waiting lists, he's going to increase their opening times (evenings, weekends). That's going to increase overtime payments. Most of this problem goes back to Tony Blair twenty years ago, who cut GP working hours contracts to suit their union, and now they get paid over £89 per hour for working office hours. There are loads of ways to cut gov expenditure, all of them deeply unpopular! Good luck to Sir Keir with achieving anything, particularly nationalizing anything, from under the shadow of the UK's £3 trillion (and still growing) national debt!

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