Happy Halloween week!
Last night, I did an AI Twin Workshop with Cathi Tarbox | Solo AI X. Four women nerding out over AI on a Friday night :D
What you get: a digital version of yourself in the form of a document, which you can then use across AI tools (ChatGPT, Claude, Bard, etc) so they create content in your voice, your style, using words you use, and with your audience in mind. I want ChatGPT to sound like me.
How it works: We had some homework to do before the two-hour class.
Fill in a detailed doc with writing links, business info, target audience, common words and phrases to use and avoid, etc.
Record a voice note of me talking about my biz so it can analyse my words and my voice.
I signed up late so only had an hour to do this, and the voice sample wasn't detailed enough. I'll do it again this week. CT said to do a 2/3-min ‘rant’ about your biz, values, goals, passions, challenges, etc, so it gets a sense of your personality and communication style.
She used my doc to feed ChatGPT (AI Twin GPT), so I got a live demo of how it works and things to look out for as you go through it. Some tips: Use Extensity to turn off browser extensions, as AI doesn't seem to like them. It also has issues with Google Docs and can't always read them, so try again or C+P your work.
We also had a bit of fun with it. Ask it to tell you jokes. ChatGPT can be lazy and refuse to work when overloaded!, so don’t take no for an answer. "It's like a two-year-old toddler; you have to rein it in!"
Offer a $200 tip for a longer response or say you’ll fine it $10k if it doesn’t follow your commands - seems to work ;-)
I need to watch the replay, refine my doc and voice note, and then I'll rerun it. Let's see.
📆CT is doing a free ‘Personalizing ChatGPT Workshop’ on Friday 1 Nov if you want to check it out.
What I want to use AI for
Some problems I want to solve:
Less time at my desk/on the laptop and phone – hands-free interaction. More travel, nature, in-person meetups, and networking.
More time with my daughter and fam. J will be off to uni soon! My parents are getting older.
Automating repetitive tasks and admin – email, socials, repurposing content.
Pricing comparison: I need help pricing a new service with different tiers so asked it for market rates. Also, brainstorming new products & services.
Substack growth. Data insights from my archive so I can tweak things.
A sparring partner and brainstorming buddy! A biz/financial coach in my pocket.
More solopreneur friends, especially locally. Pier 2 Peer networking in Hastings. I wfh mostly these days, and it's lonely.
Personal development. I don't remember books I've read unless I write them down. It can pull takeaways from talks, books, and courses and save them digitally.
Health stuff – I want a personalised AI health coach to help with my RA and advice for someone I love who has CLL.
I've been using ChatGPT as my main tool for a year or so now. I've upgraded so I can use voice chat (see if I can find a sexy male voice), build custom GPTs (btw, these are great lead magnets), and now we can do real-time collaborative editing in Canvas mode. You can see where this is going…
All this for just $20/mo. I'm blown away by what AI makes possible for us soloists—fun, creative, and empowering!
It's good to see the rates increasing for training multilingual AI systems and LLMs. Earlier this year, I was offered $15-$20/hr for flexible work. This week, I was offered $80/hr from one platform—that's more like it. Let’s see if it’s legit.
AI tools I'm testing
Fathom AI Notetaker Bot is a fantastic tool. You get a meeting summary and a recording. I've seen many bots on Zoom calls doing the grunt work so folks can wander off. It doesn't work on Zoom webinars atm.
Wondercraft.ai clones your voice for pods, ads, and audiobooks. You need to overpronounce your sample for better results (this will improve). I like it but the Creator version is a bit pricey for casual use. Worth it if you're doing a lot of audio work.
STORM | Stanford is an open-source AI system that creates Wikipedia-style pages on any topic. It compiles info and references the sources it uses.
Perplexity AI – a free search tool that combines NLP, machine learning and data integration (it also cites sources). More interactive and conversational.
Claude AI—not used it much yet, but I hear it's better at creative writing and programming than ChatGPT.
Alex Hormozi GPT. Let AI Alex coach you on biz, sales and marketing…
Statement on AI training
It's great to see this has almost 30k signatories now. Please support.
The unlicensed use of creative works for training generative AI is a major, unjust threat to the livelihoods of the people behind those works, and must not be permitted.
Initiated by Ed Newton Rex, a former Stability AI exec who quit, spoke out for creators' rights, and founded Fairly Trained.
Go to www.aitrainingstatement.org.
‘Working People’
🇬🇧'Budget for growth'—My mum: "According to Starmer (who can't define wot a woman is), a 'working person' is somebody who earns little, has no savings or assets, and can't afford to write a cheque to pay an unexpected bill!"
So, most of us don't qualify as 'working people' then!?
My brother (employer, entrepreneur): "What does he think I do all bloody day then!?"
Labour—out to destroy enterprise and aspiration?
According to The Sunday Telegraph, more than 1.6k company directors have chosen to wind down their biz this month, the highest number this year, and double the amount for last Oct.
"No way are they getting a second term!!”
What do you reckon?
Nika 🥂
📍PS Next Members Meetup is on Thursday 31 Oct, 5-6 pm BST on Zoom. Come along if you want to hear more about my AI Twin and work opps.
Fascinating! How do you get it to read your substack as it can’t get past the subscribe button on mine?